
Showing posts from April, 2017

MaxGauge for JAVA: NEW Concept of End-to-End Monitoring

M axGauge for Oralce is well known because it is definitely the best DB trouble shooting for you, and today I am glad to introduce another powerful product MaxGauge for JAVA to all of you.  T he main feature of MaxGauge for JAVA is that through the installation of MFJ, an End-to-End monitoring can be realized. By saying End-to-End, I mean you can monitoring WEB-WAS-TP-DB just within the powerful MFJ.  For more details, check the contents below, and any question will be welcomed any time. 

EXEM Customer Case: pin S wait on X wait events

EXEM Consultants are helping our customers everyday: telling them how to use MaxGauge to identify problems and how to solve them quickly.  As you can see from the overview that the problems were generated in a specific SQL during the parsing process of KEP 1 DB, an excessive amount of cursor: pin S wait on X wait events.  Check the YouTube video below and see how our experienced consultant solve the problem quickly. 

Oracle Wait Interface: enq TX - allocate ITL entry

T oday, we are going to talk about ITL (Interested Transaction List) Waits in an understandable way: through a video.  T he theme of today is 'enq TX - allocate ITL entry'. To make it easier, I will show you a picture first where you could see that one thing should be solved right now.  A s you can see that there is a lack of free space phenomenon shown above. And how can you solve problems like this? Check the video blew and find the answer.